About Us

Hazel Speaks

Who we are

Hazel Speaks is a non-profit organization that stands up for mental health wellness. It tackles psychological issues such as abuse, suicide, depression, toxicity and et cetera. The aim is to provide a haven for those experiencing these psychological issues. The organization, founded by Hazel Maseko in 2020 dived into the world of mental health wellness by raising awareness via blogging and podcasting. These tools are proving to reduce the stigma associated with mental health as guests from all walks of life share their experiences thus normalizing seeking help.

Our Founder/CEO

Hazel Maseko is a vibrant young social entrepreneur who dedicates her time away from teaching in the classroom to working to improve her community. She is passionate about breaking barriers that hinder progress and equality in the community. Hailing from humble beginnings, Hazel grew up in Motlhabaneng village where she was raised by her grandmother. She is the first of the four children. Always vocal, Hazel grew with a passion to acquire and share wisdom with all who surround her. At school, she participated in quiz and athletics. In tertiary school, her passion for speaking up did not go unnoticed as she was appointed as the Minister of Student Affairs in the Student Representative Body. Upon completing her secondary education, Hazel took up a career as a teacher. She is currently a beloved teacher in John Nswazwi JSS. In 2021, she founded Hazel Speaks, a multiplatform organization aimed at shedding light on issues society tends to sweep under the rug. Today, Hazel Speaks produces podcasts, social media content, driving the truth to power on issues that play a pivotal role on people’s mental well-being.

Meet Our Team

Mokgadi Molapisane
Event Planner

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Kelvin T. Tsoka
Graphic Designer

Molestie in varius ut nibh semper ornare leo ut nunc imperdiet odio risus ut urna, maecenas.

Millicent R. sibanda

Semper aenean enim lobortis in platea habitasse in dolor diam netus cras est fusce augue leo.

Grace Murenje
Social Media Manager

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Are you going through a challenge

Sollicitudin est aliquet morbi faucibus duis fringilla cras donec amet.